Saturday, February 10, 2007


During this month of February we are reminded frequently by the media that this is heart awareness month. Recent reports tell us that there has been a drop in the number of women who have died from heart disease - this is good news. Unfortunately, however, the decline in death rates seem to be coming not from a decline in new cases but from improvements in how women are being treated medically. Heart disease still remains the number one killer of both men and women.

One of the main keys of preventing a disease is making people aware of the causes. I feel that great strides have been made in this area, but I would venture to guess that still many more women are aware of the threat of breast cancer than of heart disease even though there are significantly more deaths annually from the latter.

Improved diagnostic testing that helps to identify blocked arteries and high blood pressure coupled with the use of statin drugs seems to be the main reason for the drop in deaths. Hospitals and doctors also are becoming more aware that the symptoms of heart disease or pending heart attack are different in women than in men. This awareness has lead to a significant drop in the percentage of women dying from a heart attack or heart disease while in a hospital

Obesity and smoking still seem to be the most significant factors standing in the way of genuine and long lasting improvements in the area of heart disease. More people are becoming savvy about the dangers of smoking and second hand smoke. Many communities are proposing a complete ban of smoking in all restaurants, bars and the workplace if they have not already done so. Personally, I applaud this move and feel that it is long overdue.

The other culprit is obesity. More than a third of U.S. women are considered overweight enought to be obese. Obesity leads to hypertension. Both are significant factors in heart disease. An easy way to reduce obesity is just to plan ahead a little bit and reduce or cut out completely the ingestion of fast or prepared foods. Reduce the use of sodium. Substitute Sea Salt instead. Reduce the amount of red meat that you eat. And finally, move. Park a little farther away from the door when shoppin; pick up the pace when you walk; turn off the TV, turn on the radio, and dance. All will exercise your heart muscle and help you to become more Heart Smart.

If you are interested in learning how to prevent, or even cure heart disease you may find this book helpful. Click Here!

1 comment:

RIP said...

Learned about sea salt in a cooking class I took last year. Did you know that a high salt intake throughout life, (especially in females) can add to an increased risk of osteoporosis later on in life?