Friday, April 20, 2007


A study of over 9,000 women sponsored by the National Institute of Health called Contraception and Reproductive Experiences or CARE found that not only is breast-feeding beneficial for the infant by providing important antibodies through the mother's milk, but also that breast-feeding cancels out the effect of delaying childbirth past the age of 25. Breast-feeding protects again breast cancer no matter when you give birth. Even a most unfavorable type that is not promoted by hormones.

The new findings are particularly relevant to women who give birth after age 25 and eventually have three or more children. These women have double the risk of the aggressive and hard-to-treat hormone-negative breast cancers. This two-fold increased risk went away when they looked only at women who breast-fed. The women were no long at increased risk of breast cancer.

For more on the reasons why and other findings of this study go to:

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